Hi 👋 I am Akshay
I’m an engineer with a passion for building things and seeing how they grow. I’ve spent over 10 years in tech, with almost 7 of those as an entrepreneur. Engineering, to me, is more than just a job—it’s an art form, a way to solve problems and create something meaningful. After running startups, including one that got acquired, I’ve moved into product development roles at some exciting companies. Along the way, I’ve learned how to combine my technical skills with the lessons from entrepreneurship to create real impact.
When I’m not working, I love to travel with my wife and explore new destinations. Fun Fact: we once packed up, gave up our house, and spent a year traveling as digital nomads through places like Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Austria, Italy, Croatia and Spain. Right now, I’m based in Dubai—but who knows where we’ll go next!
I’m known as mrdhat everywhere on the internet. If you’d like to reach out to me, I am at i(at)akshay.co.